วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Paty of strange friend

Woke up at 10 today felt so hungry but too lazy to go out and get something to eat. So I turned on my computer and started to play Warcraft III one of my favorite games. I looked at the clock its 12 o’clock I thought times gone so fast because it fun that why I felt like that. So I went to Siridij’s room which is right next to my room to wake him up. Yesterday he asked me to wake him up at 11.30 but I was playing game so I forgot. I woke him up and came back to my room and continue with my game because he wasn’t ready to go out yet. After he ready, we went out to eat something for lunch, I could not remember what it was then we went to ‘A cut above’ a barber near our university not far from L building. I told the hairdresser that I want my hair as similar as Rain (Korean star) he is the main character in the movie call ‘Full House’. The reason I decided to do is because three of my friends already done it and they want me to do the same, so I did. I was not sure if it going to look good on me. But after about one hour an a half its finish, I think its look alright. Then I went back to my room get change and go to ABAC Bangna campus because there is an ALSA’s welcome party for delegates from other country. ALSA stand for Asian Law Student Association. This time the conference takes place in Thailand. I was already late because I should meet everyone at 3:30 and the bus will leave at 4 o’clock. I finish hair cut at ten pass four so they gone without me. -_- I was lucky that some of the senior did not go yet and they got a car! So I do not need to catch the bus. We arrived there at about 5 o’clock enough time for me to learn what I got to do when delegates arrive at 6 o’clock. I got to take cares delegates from Singapore. After the opening speech, dinner and Thai traditional dance show, we separate delegate in to 12 groups. Ying and I look after group 5. The reason we separated them in to 12 groups, we will get on a little bus to go around ABAC Bangna campus and there were only 2 buses. So group 1-6 go first and 7-12 played some games. I could not remember everyone who was in my group and where they came from but I remembered one chick. Her name is Hwa Yoon from Korea. She is talkative and I think she’s cute. ^^ Ah! Also I remember a guy from Malaysia but could not remember his name. Anyway he gave me his name card so I can look it up later and I will keep in touch with him. It is good to know some law students from other country because we might need help from each other in the future.