วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Stop Legal Casinos

The new government in Thailand wants to make casinos to be legal in Thailand because it is argued to be good for the economy. However, there is further proof with numerous social problems as well. The legal casinos will cause more people to be in debt. People who never gambled will think that it is now legal, so they should try once. After that, people will find it is hard to stop gambling then need more and more money to gamble. From ABAC poll, the survey of 2726 people, 54.6% of them said no to the legal casinos. The result is clearly confirmed that most people disagree with the government’s decision because it will make Thai people face the bad consequences of gambling. The effects on gamblers, their family, and Thai society are the main reasons why the Thai government should not legalize casinos.

Initially, gambling causes gamblers to get bad results. They spend a lot of or all of their money to gamble instead of saving money for more important things such as health and medical insurance, and many people will end up with mass debts, which cause many people to commit suicide because they feel so depressed and cannot find the way out. Moreover, gambling obstructs gamblers’ career growth. Gambling addicts will spend less time at work that causes their performances drop and end up fire from their jobs. In stead of doing good jobs, the government will encourage people in Thailand to be unemployed, go deeply into the unpredictable gambling, and make people to rely on their luck to be wealthy instead of doing hard work. In addition, young people who like to gamble might skip classes to go gambling that causes their school grades to drop or do not want to go to schools forever. It is the serious problem because young people are the important powers to develop the country in the future. From a survey of 1,700 students from six different colleges and universities in England, 33% of males and 15% of females in college gamble at least once a week. In addition, gambling can cause people to have bad mental health. Their self-esteem and mood depend on the results of gambling. If they win, they will be happy. It they lose, they will have bad mood and feel stressed that can also cause gamblers to have bad physical health.
Secondly, gambling causes people to destroy their own family. Gambling addicts only pay attention on gambling and spend most of their time at casinos, ignoring their family. They do not be interested in their children’s problems and care that their behavior is ruining their family’s life. These behaviors will cause more people to divorce, which can make their children to have sadness in their mind and might become social problems. In addition, when gamblers do not have enough money to bet, they argue and hurt their family. For example, a husband needs money to gamble, but his wife refuse to give him because she wants to keep this amount of money for her children’s education. Therefore, the husband hits and hurts his wife in forcing her to give him money. In addition, students who are gambling addicts might steal money from their parents, and this behavior make these young people to be a theft in the future.
Lastly, gambling causes Thailand to have more social problems. When people do not have enough money to gamble or pay debts, they end up with silly decisions, illegal acts. Some of them decide to steal others’ property. According to a 1990 Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene survey, nearly 400 members of Gambler’s Anonymous showed that 57 percent admitted stealing to finance their gambling. Moreover, the amounts are not small. On average they stole $135,000, and total theft was over $30 million. Moreover, some of them might become criminals and rapists that cause many following problems for Thai society. In addition, most people in Thailand are Buddhists. Legalizing casinos encourages people to break religious rules, and it means that Thai people deteriorate their own religion.
In conclusion, the Thai government should think further about the following problems of gambling that Thai people will face in the future. Making casinos legal in Thailand is not a good decision to do because there are other ways to help develop the economy in the country. Thailand can have a good economic development if the government administrates their works very well, not to legalize casinos.
