วันศุกร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

My holiday

Today I woke-up at 8 o’clock, still early for me -_- but my mother woke me up. So I slept 10 more minutes and quickly get up before my mom come again and she might get angry. As we having breakfast my aunty ask me to go out with them. By the way I forgot to tell you that my aunty-Ying, uncle-Au, and cousin-June came yesterday night. Because my cousin going back to Sydney on Thursday. After we had a shower we then go out at about half pass ten. We went to Bangpoo, Samutparkarn which is not far from Bangkok. We went to one of the restaurant in Bangpoo. This restaurant built on the sea and beside the bridge to the restaurant there were lots of seagulls. So we bough a chicken and fed them, I was so hungry so I ate one and I test like shi... After fed the bird we then walk to restaurant to have lunch. I ate a lot and of course we only order seafood. We order jellyfish, crab etc. They were nice I enjoyed my lunch. After such a good lunch we went to “Ancient City”. Seriously I never know this place before. This place has copied many ancient buildings and temples all in Thailand and re-built them in a smaller version. All buildings actually exist all across Thailand from north, west, east and south. Any if you think they are very small and not bigger than car. You are wrong mate!!! They are big enough for us to walk inside I will put some photos for you when I have time. The place also has a historic museum which has an ancient village. I the village they sell a lots of old things that hard to find nowadays. I use my mobile phone took lots of photos because I didn’t bring my digital camera. You know why? It’s run out of battery that why. Man the place is so huge man. I can tell you that I will not walk in there for sure. If you don’t catch their bus, hire a bicycle or a golf-car you won’t be able to go to every place in there. Golf-car looks like a good option but its cost 200 bath/hour. And they say we need about 2-3 hours to see every thing. Drive your car is the best way, you only have to pay them 50 Bath. So we drove in and stop at the place we like. At one of the village we went, I bough some candy that I haven’t seen for a long time. We stayed in “Ancient City” until 4 o’clock then we left. After got home, had dinner and here I am sitting in front of my computer telling you all these things. I think it’s bed time for me now.
