วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Valentine Day

There are more things I want to talk about. It is about Valentine Day, the day of love . This Valentine was the best valentine ever in my life because I never have girlfriend. Two years ago I got along with one girl but I couldn’t say she is my girlfriend because she had a boyfriend . And now I will tell you why this Valentine is the best Valentine in my life. I fall in love with a girl from same faculty. So she always helping me I want to say some thing to her. By listening, you are saying to me I am loved enough for you to put your business aside and give me your complete attention. You will comfort me with a nod. a touch. a smile. our eye contact is like a warm safe blanket eveloping me with a mother is embrace. by just being there. Sometime my problem is small.
Sometime things are too much handle alone.
Sometime I just want to scream out loudly with anger or despair. or cry when everything seems to be tumbling down. nothing make sence.
And feeling this way make me lonely.
But you are here and I feel stronger. With all the noise in the world, silence has more value than any word.

I am not alone.



An old teacher stood looking at a swamp. In the swamp with all mud and muck grew large white lotuses. The old teacher want to pluck a lotus to make an offering to the temple.

She wanted the perfect lotus. And she searched, But this one was bent at the stem
That one was too small in size
This one was too crooked in shape.
That one had bitten jaw mark.
She could not find the perfect one. It did not exist.

An old monk was looking at old teacher looking at the lotus. And he said to her, “Do none of the lotus please you?”

No, she said, I want the perfect one. I always had high standard so my work is always so difficult and never done.

The old teacher lived her life this way with out any peace of mind or lightness of heart.

Life is filled with flaws. Searching for flaws she found flaws. Her life was constant cycle of frustration. But still, she held on to her standard.
“Teacher, I am going to predict your future,” Old monk said.
“You’ve never been married and you probably never will. You never had any close friends and you will continue to wait.

The old teacher was stunned, “How can you know?” It was not too difficult to know she had a lonely life, waiting for the perfect person to come and the best friend to enter her life.

They never did.
They never existed.
She should have known.

She began to cry and ask the old monk to help her. The old monk pointed to random lotus and told her to take it home and search for its goodness.
When she finds it she will begin to awaken.
If she does not /she will continue to sleep.

The Frog story

When I was young, I remember some story. Maybe 10 year ago a buddhist monk and I were sitting together under a tree on the temple ground. I was young and he was wise. With my youth come a lot of curiosity and so I ask him.

“What happen when we die?”
“Do we have a soul and where does it go?”
“Is a heaven?”
“And is it on top of cloud in the sky?”

The monk look at me with a serene smile and told me this story……..

Once there was a pond. A pond, like every pond, small but filled with life. In the small body of water lived a tadpole who had a curiosity just like you. One day this tadpole swam up next to a frog that just jump in.

“What is it like up there?” the tadpole ask the frog. Out there, out of this water, is a different world.” The frog told.

Is it bigger than in here? The tadpole ask. Yes, out there it is vest and large, a million time bigger. Bigger than you can ever imagine. Is that possible? The tadpole did not under stand. What is out there that is different ?

Out there, the air is light and wind is soft. The bird sings and flies and the dragonfly passes by.

The tadpole did not understand.
What is air?
What is bird?
What is wind?

The Frog try to explain that air was not wet like the water in the pond. The tadpole, who whole existence had been in water, his only world, did not understand what the frog saying.

What is dry?
What is Cloud?
And how does it pass by?

There is no way a frog can explain to a tadpole what another world is like. The frog, before he jump out of the pond said “One day………may be you will understand”

And if the tadpole survives life in the pond and does not be come fish food first, the tadpole will change and grown and turn into a frog and when that day come the tadpole will understand.

I am a tadpole trying to survive life in a pond.
One day I will understand………..
But I am wonder about monk is he a frog ????????

The benefits of working overseas

There are many people who decide to go abroad for their career. Some families not only travel together but choose to stay in a foreign country and raise their kids. Businesses can be a part of why they choose to go overseas. Therefore, this essay will illustrate some benefits of working overseas.
The first benefit is life experience about working while studying. It was my last term of high school, and we had a leaver’s party in our form. Everyone was having such a fantastic time; the reasons why I noticed was the laugher and their facial expressions. The enjoyment of eating, dancing and singing spread around the hall. Then, my friend got picked to go up on the stage and make a speech. At that time silent filled up the space. She explained how she enjoyed the school very much and how she will definitely miss her classmates. In her speech she mentioned her part time job. I listened carefully and learned a lot about her experience. Noriko glanced around to make eye contact with the audience. I must admit that she was a good speaker because she got everyone’s attention. While Noriko was talking I could see how proud she was at that time of her life. She carried on with her talk and she told everyone that when she first arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand her English was really poor, but as time went by it slowly got better. Indeed, her part time job had helped her to improve her English the most. She worked in Riccarton Mall, which was not very far from our school. By bus it took her only three bus-stops to get there. The place is called “Whitcoulle”. It’s a book & stationery store, which is where she started her new experience and memories. She gained more confidence after she had worked there. She had a chance to improve her English everyday with the native speakers. She learned from all those books and things in the shop. Customers would ask for directions and that’ her task to answer them. The environment of a warm friendship she got at work and the skill she now had. Not only has that but her general knowledge also increased. She now recognized the buyer’s type of books by the buyer’s age. She wouldn’t have any problem about giving a wrong recommendation to buyers. Noriko had to communicate with many people each day. Her work helped her in her daily school life. She tended to work harder at school because she knew that it wouldn’t be fair to her parents if she didn’t take an interest in it (H.Noriko, personal , December 2005) They worked very hard to support her this far with education. Noriko knew that money is not easy to find after all. Even though she used to spend a lot of money on unnecessary stuff, but not anymore. She knew how tiring work cause so she appreciated her parents whoa re in Japan more.
The second benefit is working condition.All the Thai students would gather round and eat at a Thai restaurant. Since we all missed Thai food while we were overseas. There were numbers of Thai restaurants around the city. I saw people walk in and out of those places all the time. After my friends and I went there and eat. I got close to the owner and I remember how kind and friendly she was to us. She often gave a discount to many Thai students. We loved to go and eat there, almost every weekend actually. As she seemed so happy owning the restaurant, my friend asked her “What was her purpose of opening”. She told us that she found herself more comfortable working there than Thailand. As we all know, that business is all about profit but that’s not what really she was looking for. She enjoyed many things there, such as the working hours, public holidays, working shift, and days off. She didn’t worry about a high income; her concentration was only enjoyment of cooking. She would have more competitors and doesn’t have enough freedom. She wasn’t married, which made us wonder how she survived alone with her workers? The prices of the ingredients and the food might be higher than in Thailand, but when you really think about it, the expenditures here are much more. She found a good spot that would bring her happiness. She hated the traffic in Thailand and the cost of traveling to work was such a pain. For example, the costs of running the business become expensive in long term. The prices of petrol and gas were rising each year and the expense become higher. There was no obstacle in New Zealand because the transportation is much better. She could use her time effectively and manage her schedule much better. Christchurch is very small; therefore, not many Thai restaurants are available. There were a few restaurants that sold Thai food, so she felt as she’s having control of the business without trouble. Fewer choices for customers to choose from and that’s when the percentage of people who choose her restaurant become higher.
The third benefit is cultural learning of the common way they survived. I went and study in New Zealand when I was eleven and I stayed there for four and a half years. I learnt many different new things, and basically I spent my early teenage years there. It was fun, but I must say that there is no place that feels like home. There were some strict rules in New Zealand unlike Thailand, where bad people get away so easily. I must have a guardian because I was underage and his job was to take care of me but his position is different from a home stay. He only took part in school life and continually connects to Thai’s students in different school. If there a meeting at school, he would be the one who represented my parents. He’s pure Thai and had two daughters; they both are younger than me. His wife is half Thai and Malay, they had a nice house and the two girls were just like New Zealanders. He tried to convince me to do my university studies there but I missed home and wanted to be with my family and friends. From the first meal I had with his family I knew straight away about how they learnt and take Kiwi tradition. They have a very friendly greeting, their choices with food and religion. His family and him have accepted the new culture and learnt how to work and survive from different country where they were born (Jareonchai personal conversation,September 2005).

In conclusion, working overseas is not easy for everyone. People get to explore the new challenge and the nature environment around them. They must adapt to the culture and tradition to be able to work well with others. Many changes to the working system, living styles and hours. Working overseas benefits and gained a life time experience and memories to keep in hand carrying on with their life further in the long run.

A Life Lesson......

Happy birthday celebration is very popular among people especially teenagers. This type of celebration usually comes up with alcohol parties. Nowadays, most teenagers always think that they are mature enough to drink alcohol, and some of them may think that they can control themselves even though they get massive amount of alcohol. In fact, the ways they think seem wrong and probably cause and lead to many detrimental effects such as unconsciousness, getting
hurt, and so on.

All of my friends and I lived at Panasin which was located at the cross of the university, so I found it easy to get along well with them in a very short time. We spent time together, and that made us become closer. On Desember 10th, it was my friend’s birthday whose name is Toey, and she told us that she was going to set the birthday party at Vintage Pub, but her birthday was on Saturday, so most of us had to go back homes and could not go to the party. Therefore, we agreed that the celebration had to be postponed to Wednesday night.
In the evening of Wednesday, Pong, Perth, Pao, Mix, Ploi, Tle, and I planed to buy some gifts, and surprised her at 12.00 a.m. When the time we had an appointment had arrived, we all entered the pub. Inside, there were many people drinking and dancing, and that meant we were too late because every table and seat was already reserved, so we did not have any choices. Where we got was just the small circular table which was surrounded by a few small wooden chairs.
We ordered two Red Label bottles and some mixtures. At first, we all just drank a little bit and danced around. However, the time was passing rapidly, and we seemed drunk. Without consciousness, people talked and made friends with each other easily. I and my friends – Pong, Pao, and Perth were still conscious as we got a little drunk, and we thought that it was adequate. Before we came, we had already guessed that somebody were going to get drunk, and that meant we had to take care of them.
A few minutes later, mixtures were run out, but somebody remained drinking only pure alcohol. However, Mix seemed to drink a lot more than the others; almost one bottle. He began being out of control. We tried to stop him from drinking, but he did not listen to anybody. Not only did Mix get drunk, but Ploi, Tle, and Toey also seemed to be the same as him. At this time, I and my friends – Pong and Perth had to get them back to the dormitory. Because they were only three girls that came with us, we could not let them stay alone. During that time, we were in great confusion and did not know how to manipulate them. Then we decided that taking the girls would be easier than the boys. Anyway, it was not as easy as we expected. Ploi was more talkative. Tle danced around and joined with other people who we have never known. Toey who we thought she was the most polite girl was the hardest one to control. She went out of the pub and tried to climb onto the boxes which were set beside the enter door, and she told that she could fly. When she was on the top of the box, she jumped out and quickly fell down. Unsurprisingly, she got hurt, so I had to take her to the car.
Inside the pub, the confusion became more violent. Some people broke the glasses, and pieces of them were widely spread all over the floor. Tle who was being drunk stepped on those pieces unconsciously. She instantly screamed, so I hurried to take her to the car and recovered her wound. We could now relieve for a while because there was only one girl left which was Ploi, but this one was easier to take than Tle and Toey. We took a few minutes to manage her. Later on, all of the three girls were taken to their rooms.
However, that night was not over yet. When we finished helping the three girls, we walked into the pub again in order to call the others back to our rooms, but what we saw was unexpected. Mix was lying on the floor, and he could not control himself because his two legs did not have any power. I, Pong, Pao, and Perth tried to keep him from falling, but he still could not stand at all. Although there were four people who were propping him, carrying Mix was still difficult because his weight was almost 65 kilograms. In addition, he threw up all the way he walked past, so we decided to leave Mix at Pong’s room because there was Pong’s brother who was obviously conscious and could take care of him better than us. When we reached the room, we took him into the toilet because he remained throwing up. A few minutes later, a stinky odor of Mix’s vomit was spread all over the room, and we could not take a rest at all, so we decided to move to another room. While we were sleeping, Pao suddenly realized that his mobile phone was in Pong’s room, and he had to use it to phone his mother. I accompanied Pao. When we entered the room, what we saw was very terrible. Mix was lying on the floor of the toilet, covered with his vomit, bulging eyes, and his body began shaking. His heart was getting fast and fast, and he shouted that he was extremely cold. I and Pao immediately phoned the others, and we hurried to take him to the nearest hospital which was Salaya. Mix had to attend the emergency room. We just hoped that he would be alright. Five minutes later, the doctor came out and told that he was out of danger. Noon later, Mix woke up and told us that he did not know what he had done last night. This is our horrible experience that we will never forget. We almost lose a friend just because of alcohol.

My Science Group

Last week, I went to fish pier to research my science man project. We used taxi to go there in morning maybe 6.00 am. So we research by talk with people in society and check people quality life ><. The conclusion of this activity is that we are all knows about cause of bad smell pollution. Some of bad smell come from fishy smell from fish pier. That smell is a cause of communicable disease to people in society because the garbage from fish pier is a source of disease germs. So it’s not only about air pollution some information from people in society they don’t want to see more garbage from fish pier it’s a source of vision pollution.


Pollution is any substances in water, soil, or air that degrade the natural quality of the environment, offend the senses of sight, taste, or smell, or cause a health hazard. The usefulness of the natural resource is usually impaired by the presence of pollutants and contaminants.

Pollution is cause by all the dirty stuff (Smokes, acid, garbage) leaking into the atmoshopere!!!!


Last few days, I had an Italian food at the restaurant near my house. It wasn't about i want to eat an Italian food but I don't know what i want to eat. lately, I ate out three times a day so It's normally to can't think about what i want to eat. Small shop in a small valley. Their cheif is from Italy. Italian people has a black like Thai people be causewe are on the same horizontal line. I think in almost every italian resturants have an Italian chief so I will surey have real Italian food.