วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The benefits of working overseas

There are many people who decide to go abroad for their career. Some families not only travel together but choose to stay in a foreign country and raise their kids. Businesses can be a part of why they choose to go overseas. Therefore, this essay will illustrate some benefits of working overseas.
The first benefit is life experience about working while studying. It was my last term of high school, and we had a leaver’s party in our form. Everyone was having such a fantastic time; the reasons why I noticed was the laugher and their facial expressions. The enjoyment of eating, dancing and singing spread around the hall. Then, my friend got picked to go up on the stage and make a speech. At that time silent filled up the space. She explained how she enjoyed the school very much and how she will definitely miss her classmates. In her speech she mentioned her part time job. I listened carefully and learned a lot about her experience. Noriko glanced around to make eye contact with the audience. I must admit that she was a good speaker because she got everyone’s attention. While Noriko was talking I could see how proud she was at that time of her life. She carried on with her talk and she told everyone that when she first arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand her English was really poor, but as time went by it slowly got better. Indeed, her part time job had helped her to improve her English the most. She worked in Riccarton Mall, which was not very far from our school. By bus it took her only three bus-stops to get there. The place is called “Whitcoulle”. It’s a book & stationery store, which is where she started her new experience and memories. She gained more confidence after she had worked there. She had a chance to improve her English everyday with the native speakers. She learned from all those books and things in the shop. Customers would ask for directions and that’ her task to answer them. The environment of a warm friendship she got at work and the skill she now had. Not only has that but her general knowledge also increased. She now recognized the buyer’s type of books by the buyer’s age. She wouldn’t have any problem about giving a wrong recommendation to buyers. Noriko had to communicate with many people each day. Her work helped her in her daily school life. She tended to work harder at school because she knew that it wouldn’t be fair to her parents if she didn’t take an interest in it (H.Noriko, personal , December 2005) They worked very hard to support her this far with education. Noriko knew that money is not easy to find after all. Even though she used to spend a lot of money on unnecessary stuff, but not anymore. She knew how tiring work cause so she appreciated her parents whoa re in Japan more.
The second benefit is working condition.All the Thai students would gather round and eat at a Thai restaurant. Since we all missed Thai food while we were overseas. There were numbers of Thai restaurants around the city. I saw people walk in and out of those places all the time. After my friends and I went there and eat. I got close to the owner and I remember how kind and friendly she was to us. She often gave a discount to many Thai students. We loved to go and eat there, almost every weekend actually. As she seemed so happy owning the restaurant, my friend asked her “What was her purpose of opening”. She told us that she found herself more comfortable working there than Thailand. As we all know, that business is all about profit but that’s not what really she was looking for. She enjoyed many things there, such as the working hours, public holidays, working shift, and days off. She didn’t worry about a high income; her concentration was only enjoyment of cooking. She would have more competitors and doesn’t have enough freedom. She wasn’t married, which made us wonder how she survived alone with her workers? The prices of the ingredients and the food might be higher than in Thailand, but when you really think about it, the expenditures here are much more. She found a good spot that would bring her happiness. She hated the traffic in Thailand and the cost of traveling to work was such a pain. For example, the costs of running the business become expensive in long term. The prices of petrol and gas were rising each year and the expense become higher. There was no obstacle in New Zealand because the transportation is much better. She could use her time effectively and manage her schedule much better. Christchurch is very small; therefore, not many Thai restaurants are available. There were a few restaurants that sold Thai food, so she felt as she’s having control of the business without trouble. Fewer choices for customers to choose from and that’s when the percentage of people who choose her restaurant become higher.
The third benefit is cultural learning of the common way they survived. I went and study in New Zealand when I was eleven and I stayed there for four and a half years. I learnt many different new things, and basically I spent my early teenage years there. It was fun, but I must say that there is no place that feels like home. There were some strict rules in New Zealand unlike Thailand, where bad people get away so easily. I must have a guardian because I was underage and his job was to take care of me but his position is different from a home stay. He only took part in school life and continually connects to Thai’s students in different school. If there a meeting at school, he would be the one who represented my parents. He’s pure Thai and had two daughters; they both are younger than me. His wife is half Thai and Malay, they had a nice house and the two girls were just like New Zealanders. He tried to convince me to do my university studies there but I missed home and wanted to be with my family and friends. From the first meal I had with his family I knew straight away about how they learnt and take Kiwi tradition. They have a very friendly greeting, their choices with food and religion. His family and him have accepted the new culture and learnt how to work and survive from different country where they were born (Jareonchai personal conversation,September 2005).

In conclusion, working overseas is not easy for everyone. People get to explore the new challenge and the nature environment around them. They must adapt to the culture and tradition to be able to work well with others. Many changes to the working system, living styles and hours. Working overseas benefits and gained a life time experience and memories to keep in hand carrying on with their life further in the long run.
