วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

Valentine Day

There are more things I want to talk about. It is about Valentine Day, the day of love . This Valentine was the best valentine ever in my life because I never have girlfriend. Two years ago I got along with one girl but I couldn’t say she is my girlfriend because she had a boyfriend . And now I will tell you why this Valentine is the best Valentine in my life. I fall in love with a girl from same faculty. So she always helping me I want to say some thing to her. By listening, you are saying to me I am loved enough for you to put your business aside and give me your complete attention. You will comfort me with a nod. a touch. a smile. our eye contact is like a warm safe blanket eveloping me with a mother is embrace. by just being there. Sometime my problem is small.
Sometime things are too much handle alone.
Sometime I just want to scream out loudly with anger or despair. or cry when everything seems to be tumbling down. nothing make sence.
And feeling this way make me lonely.
But you are here and I feel stronger. With all the noise in the world, silence has more value than any word.

I am not alone.


2 ความคิดเห็น:

phanphatchara กล่าวว่า...

owwwww -*-
another Valentine's Blog laeww!!

Jasper กล่าวว่า...

Links need to be in English this week or action will be taken. I did ask for this for several months now.
I saw you missed three deadlines so far. Valentine's day is long gone I'm afraid.Add some new posts please.