วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

The Frog story

When I was young, I remember some story. Maybe 10 year ago a buddhist monk and I were sitting together under a tree on the temple ground. I was young and he was wise. With my youth come a lot of curiosity and so I ask him.

“What happen when we die?”
“Do we have a soul and where does it go?”
“Is a heaven?”
“And is it on top of cloud in the sky?”

The monk look at me with a serene smile and told me this story……..

Once there was a pond. A pond, like every pond, small but filled with life. In the small body of water lived a tadpole who had a curiosity just like you. One day this tadpole swam up next to a frog that just jump in.

“What is it like up there?” the tadpole ask the frog. Out there, out of this water, is a different world.” The frog told.

Is it bigger than in here? The tadpole ask. Yes, out there it is vest and large, a million time bigger. Bigger than you can ever imagine. Is that possible? The tadpole did not under stand. What is out there that is different ?

Out there, the air is light and wind is soft. The bird sings and flies and the dragonfly passes by.

The tadpole did not understand.
What is air?
What is bird?
What is wind?

The Frog try to explain that air was not wet like the water in the pond. The tadpole, who whole existence had been in water, his only world, did not understand what the frog saying.

What is dry?
What is Cloud?
And how does it pass by?

There is no way a frog can explain to a tadpole what another world is like. The frog, before he jump out of the pond said “One day………may be you will understand”

And if the tadpole survives life in the pond and does not be come fish food first, the tadpole will change and grown and turn into a frog and when that day come the tadpole will understand.

I am a tadpole trying to survive life in a pond.
One day I will understand………..
But I am wonder about monk is he a frog ????????
