วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

A Life Lesson......

Happy birthday celebration is very popular among people especially teenagers. This type of celebration usually comes up with alcohol parties. Nowadays, most teenagers always think that they are mature enough to drink alcohol, and some of them may think that they can control themselves even though they get massive amount of alcohol. In fact, the ways they think seem wrong and probably cause and lead to many detrimental effects such as unconsciousness, getting
hurt, and so on.

All of my friends and I lived at Panasin which was located at the cross of the university, so I found it easy to get along well with them in a very short time. We spent time together, and that made us become closer. On Desember 10th, it was my friend’s birthday whose name is Toey, and she told us that she was going to set the birthday party at Vintage Pub, but her birthday was on Saturday, so most of us had to go back homes and could not go to the party. Therefore, we agreed that the celebration had to be postponed to Wednesday night.
In the evening of Wednesday, Pong, Perth, Pao, Mix, Ploi, Tle, and I planed to buy some gifts, and surprised her at 12.00 a.m. When the time we had an appointment had arrived, we all entered the pub. Inside, there were many people drinking and dancing, and that meant we were too late because every table and seat was already reserved, so we did not have any choices. Where we got was just the small circular table which was surrounded by a few small wooden chairs.
We ordered two Red Label bottles and some mixtures. At first, we all just drank a little bit and danced around. However, the time was passing rapidly, and we seemed drunk. Without consciousness, people talked and made friends with each other easily. I and my friends – Pong, Pao, and Perth were still conscious as we got a little drunk, and we thought that it was adequate. Before we came, we had already guessed that somebody were going to get drunk, and that meant we had to take care of them.
A few minutes later, mixtures were run out, but somebody remained drinking only pure alcohol. However, Mix seemed to drink a lot more than the others; almost one bottle. He began being out of control. We tried to stop him from drinking, but he did not listen to anybody. Not only did Mix get drunk, but Ploi, Tle, and Toey also seemed to be the same as him. At this time, I and my friends – Pong and Perth had to get them back to the dormitory. Because they were only three girls that came with us, we could not let them stay alone. During that time, we were in great confusion and did not know how to manipulate them. Then we decided that taking the girls would be easier than the boys. Anyway, it was not as easy as we expected. Ploi was more talkative. Tle danced around and joined with other people who we have never known. Toey who we thought she was the most polite girl was the hardest one to control. She went out of the pub and tried to climb onto the boxes which were set beside the enter door, and she told that she could fly. When she was on the top of the box, she jumped out and quickly fell down. Unsurprisingly, she got hurt, so I had to take her to the car.
Inside the pub, the confusion became more violent. Some people broke the glasses, and pieces of them were widely spread all over the floor. Tle who was being drunk stepped on those pieces unconsciously. She instantly screamed, so I hurried to take her to the car and recovered her wound. We could now relieve for a while because there was only one girl left which was Ploi, but this one was easier to take than Tle and Toey. We took a few minutes to manage her. Later on, all of the three girls were taken to their rooms.
However, that night was not over yet. When we finished helping the three girls, we walked into the pub again in order to call the others back to our rooms, but what we saw was unexpected. Mix was lying on the floor, and he could not control himself because his two legs did not have any power. I, Pong, Pao, and Perth tried to keep him from falling, but he still could not stand at all. Although there were four people who were propping him, carrying Mix was still difficult because his weight was almost 65 kilograms. In addition, he threw up all the way he walked past, so we decided to leave Mix at Pong’s room because there was Pong’s brother who was obviously conscious and could take care of him better than us. When we reached the room, we took him into the toilet because he remained throwing up. A few minutes later, a stinky odor of Mix’s vomit was spread all over the room, and we could not take a rest at all, so we decided to move to another room. While we were sleeping, Pao suddenly realized that his mobile phone was in Pong’s room, and he had to use it to phone his mother. I accompanied Pao. When we entered the room, what we saw was very terrible. Mix was lying on the floor of the toilet, covered with his vomit, bulging eyes, and his body began shaking. His heart was getting fast and fast, and he shouted that he was extremely cold. I and Pao immediately phoned the others, and we hurried to take him to the nearest hospital which was Salaya. Mix had to attend the emergency room. We just hoped that he would be alright. Five minutes later, the doctor came out and told that he was out of danger. Noon later, Mix woke up and told us that he did not know what he had done last night. This is our horrible experience that we will never forget. We almost lose a friend just because of alcohol.
